
Sunday 26 February 2012

Getting to know you

We've just started the lessons in Rodeiro and we were getting to know each other in class. I asked my students to write their full names and a very short description of themselves. Only one sentence. They could write it physically or personally, as the example provided. However, I think we could spend some time on more vocabulary practice, describing people and perhaps and a listening [audio] about the same topic too. I hope you find this helpful and so, let's practise descriptions.

Thursday 23 February 2012

Speaking Time

Oops! Time for speaking in English. Oh, dear! What a hard task! Our teacher talks too fast in class. However, how long do we speak in English every week? For 2 or 3 hours per week, perhaps less. Come on! Let's put our English into practice by doing this role-play about A day out in London.